Does The Value Of Cleaning Your House Count Toward The Value Of Gross Domestic Product (Gdp)?
Gross Domestic Production
(GDP is a mensurate of the full value of goods and services produced within a given territory during a certain menstruation, while GNP measures the total production of a land's citizens, at domicile or away.
From: Encyclopedia of the Anthropocene , 2018
An Overview of Sustainability and Plastics: A Multifaceted, Relative, and Scalable Concept
Michel Biron , in A Applied Guide to Plastics Sustainability, 2022
one.6.2 Standard of Living
Gross domestic product is a measure of the value of all concluding goods and services yearly produced. In other words, it determines the economical operation of a whole land or region.
The combined gross national product of all the countries in the world is the gross world product. Because imports and exports rest exactly, the gross world product also equals the total global Gross domestic product. According to the calculation method and sources—CIA'southward World Factbook, World Banking concern amid others—the gross world product in circular figures totals approximately United states$ 80 trillion to The states$ 110 trillion.
The more familiar apply of Gdp estimates is to calculate the growth of the economy from year to year. The pattern of GDP growth is held to point the success or failure of economic policy and to determine whether an economic system is "in recession."
GDP per capita is often used as an indicator of living standards. In fact, GDP may increase while real incomes for the majority of the population decline.
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The 18-carat Progress Indicator: A Measure of Cyberspace Economic Welfare
Ida Kubiszewski , in Encyclopedia of Ecology (Second Edition), 2022
Problems With GDP
GDP was never designed to measure social or economic welfare. The original creators of Gross domestic product warned against using it for annihilation except as a specialized tool that measured only a narrow segment of society׳south activity. However, since the 1950s nosotros have used the size of the economy as our primary indicator of overall progress (Nordhaus and Tobin, 1972). By that yardstick, the global economy (every bit measured by GDP) has grown more threefold since 1950. However, economic welfare has actually decreased slightly since 1978 (Kubiszewski et al., 2022).
GDP׳south current role poses a number of problems. I major issue is that it interprets every expense as positive and does not distinguish welfare-enhancing activity from welfare-reducing action. For instance, an oil spill increases GDP because of the associated toll of cleanup and remediation, but it obviously detracts from overall wellbeing. Examples of other activities that increase Gdp include hurricanes (and all other natural disasters), cancer (and other illnesses), crime, machine accidents, and divorce.
GDP adds up all marketed deliveries to "final demand" (sales to households, government, net exports, and capital germination) that occur within a country, regardless of whether they represent a existent benefit or a "defensive expenditure" like cleaning up an oil spill or treating pollution caused health effects (Leipert, 1989). This is because GDP is calculated using the input/output model. This means that the only things that can exist included in Gross domestic product are those items that are produced and consumed by i of the sectors in the economy. Nothing else is included.
If the aforementioned method of input/output tables were to be used to calculate Gross domestic product, the entire procedure would have to be adjusted. The tables would take to distinguish between the economic activities that added to versus subtracted from economic welfare. Another major change would have to be the inclusion of goods and services that are not within the economical market just practice accept a big influence on welfare. Over the past few years, various groups, including the United Nation׳southward Statistic Division and the World Bank have been working on creating national accounts that incorporate ecosystem services (Bartelmus, 2022; Hein et al., 2022). Some of these efforts modify the input/output model to incorporate services provided by nature.
Herman Daly, a former senior economist at the World Bank, once commented that, "the current national accounting organization treats the earth equally a business in liquidation." He too noted that we are now in a period of "uneconomic growth," where GDP is growing merely economic welfare is not.
Gross domestic product too leaves out many components that raise welfare merely practise not involve monetary transactions and therefore fall exterior the market. For example, the human action of picking vegetables from a garden and cooking them for family or friends is non included in GDP. Yet buying a like meal in the frozen food alley of the grocery store involves an substitution of money and a subsequent Gdp increase. A parent staying home to raise a family or do volunteer work is also non included in GDP and yet they are potentially key aspects of someone׳due south economic welfare.
There are problems with Gdp including that it does not account for the distribution of income amongst individuals, which has considerable effect on individual and social wellbeing (Wilkinson and Pickett, 2009). Gross domestic product does not intendance whether a unmarried private or corporation receives all the income in a state, or whether it is equally distributed amongst the population. A dollar׳s worth of increased income to a poor person produces more additional welfare than a dollar׳s increased income to a rich person. Additionally, the distribution of income within a state influences a range of social problems and overall societal welfare.
And notwithstanding, even with all the problems surrounding Gross domestic product, information technology is the well-nigh unremarkably used indicator of a country׳s overall performance.
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Water and society
Alireza Rezaee , ... Vijay P. Singh , in Economical, Political, and Social Issues in Water Resource, 2022
xi.four.iv Gross domestic product and income index
GDP represents the total value of terminal goods and services produced in a state over a period of fourth dimension. Gross domestic product is one of the social and economic criteria and is the best manner to compare countries economically. Per capita income is the number obtained past dividing the per centum of Gross domestic product by the region'due south population, and it only ways how much per capita income there is in a country. Nevertheless, information technology should be noted that the per capita income cannot provide an accurate picture show of the economical state of affairs of one country compared to another land, because the economic situation does not only depend on the income simply also on the costs and expenses of that country. The increase in the per capita income index is related to the employment and economic situation of that state. Changes in Gross domestic product and income index per capita water resources in Estonia are shown in Figs. 11.five and, respectively.
Effigy 11.5. Correlation betwixt water per capita and Gdp.
Figure xi.6. Correlation between water per capita and income index.
As explained in the analysis of the employment sector, despite the increasing trend of water resources and employment, the income of people working in agronomics, industry, and services naturally increases and leads to more evolution and investment. Every bit a result, according to Fig. 11.5, with the per capita increasing trend of water resources, the income index of the people of that region likewise increases.
Subsequently, according to the existing definitions and studies conducted in Estonia, in accordance with Fig. 11.6, the increase in per capita income is accompanied by an increment in GDP. As a effect, with increasing per capita water resources, the region will progress economically and volition generate more than revenue and production.
Also, according to a study conducted past the Ecology Assessment Team conducted in 180 countries in 2022 (Wendling et al., 2022), there is a positive correlation between Gross domestic product and Environmental Operation Index (EPI), and the reason for this is that past increasing the corporeality of Gdp in a region, it increases the region'southward potential to create the necessary facilities and equipment to supply drinking water and wastewater management, thus improving the corporeality of h2o resources. The bio-performance index volition exist environmental. The graph of Gross domestic product and EPI indicators for 40 countries from different continents is shown in Fig., which shows a positive correlation between the 2 indicators.
Figure xi.7. Correlation between GDP and EPI.
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The touristic model of Valais facing climate modify: geoprospective simulations of more environmentally integrated development models
Jean-Christophe Loubier , in Ecosystem and Territorial Resilience, 2022
seven.six.3.2 The case of Gdp
GDP is an indicator for measuring the economic operation of a country or region. This indicator is internationally comparable. It is widely used in political debates to measure out the standard of living in a given region. In this project, we developed a cyclical analysis, that is, an analysis of the Gross domestic product growth rate over several years, that is, the flow from 2022 to 2022. This indicator is calculated on the basis of the permanent resident population v and we take based our calculations on the FSO document: Revisions of Gdp per capita (Office Fédéral de la Statistique, 2022). Nosotros have broken down the growth rate of GDP per capita using the following formula:
- •
GDP=Gross Domestic Product;
- •
Pop_tot=Full Population;
- •
HET=Effective Working Hours;
- •
Active_employees=Number of active people with a chore;
- •
Pers_actives=Number of agile people with a job + unemployed (as defined by the International Labour Office);
- •
Pop_(15–64)=the share of the population betwixt 15 and 64 years of age.
Information technology should be noted that the merely variable that cannot be extracted from the population simulation model described above is the actual hours of work. This information is only known at the Swiss level (32.i hours per week) and this is the information we used for our project.
Here too, the retro-predictions of Valais' Gross domestic product are working well. For example, the 2022 simulation showed that our GDP per capita was different from −0.59% against the real GDP. The least accurate simulation was in 2022 with an mistake of iii.9%.
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GIS Applications for Environs and Resources
Thomas K. Alexandridis , ... George Zalidis , in Comprehensive Geographic Information Systems, 2022
2.fifteen.3.i.3.2 Touch on on per capita Gdp
The Gross domestic product per capita constitutes a crucial mutual cistron used to measure out the growth and prosperity level in a region or regional unit, while its comparing with the boilerplate GDP per capita of the European Spousal relationship is the very basic parameter in assessing the economic and social convergence.
Once more, as in the instance of the unemployment criterion, the effect of precision farming on per capita Gdp is assumed to be positive on a local scale through the relevant expected boost in the evolution of the targeted rural expanse.
In society to assess the spatial differentiation of the induced benefit, the analysis makes utilise of the relevant information provided past Eurostat for the yr 2022, on a Regional Unit level, and grants scores on an inversely proportional fashion, that is, areas with lower GDP per capita figures receive higher scores expressing in this way a higher induced social benefit. The criterion layer derived this way represents spatial variability of GDP per capita intensity and is shown in Fig. 16 .
Fig. 16. Gross domestic product per capita influence.
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Regional Inequalities
M. Dunford , in International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, 2009
Which Indicators?
Gdp per inhabitant is the indicator nearly often used to measure regional inequalities. A customs'southward Gdp is a mensurate of amass value added. As the new wealth created in production is distributed to those who participate in economical life, GDP is also a mensurate of primary incomes (profits, interest, rents, and wages) accruing to those who contribute to a region's economic activities, although the income that results does non necessarily accrue to a region's inhabitants: where the inhabitants of other regions have belongings rights in a region, there is an outflow of income, every bit there is if the human being capital of other regions is used locally. Gross domestic product estimates do not include the value of those goods and services that people produce for their own apply. This omission is significant as self-provisioning, which depends on the resource a region's inhabitants control and tin can utilise, varies significantly from one place to another. The activities of the informal and hidden economies are conversely included at least insofar equally regime statisticians are able to estimate their magnitude. The main distribution of income is after modified by country-administered redistribution. The result is the secondary distribution of income. These secondary incomes are saved and/or spent, and thereby let the institution of claims over the appurtenances and services produced. Measurement of these expenditures (conventionally divided into consumer and authorities expenditure and investment/savings and net exports) offers a third way of measuring Gdp. (The beingness of inconsistencies between these three estimates helps in the identification of undeclared incomes.)
Inequalities in regional Gross domestic product per head can be measured in two ways. Measurements in a common international currency signal the international value of the output of regional economies. The money value of regional output shows (one) what the output of the exposed sector can be sold for and can command on international markets, and (2) what the output of the protected sector can command direct on regional and indirectly on external markets. If a region's external merchandise is in equilibrium, this indicator reflects the 'quality' of its goods and services and its competitive strength. Measurements in PPS make allowance for differences in the prices of goods and services in dissimilar areas: the quantity of goods and services that a given amount of an international currency will exchange for is greater in a low-cost than in a loftier-cost region. The PPS measure allows for these differences in purchasing power and is, therefore, an alphabetize of the book of goods and services that dissimilar local economies produce and the volume of output that their economical activities tin can command or commutation for in their own area. This second measure is, in other words, an indicator of differences in living standards. A related distinction can be made between qualitative and quantitative growth: increases in the value loftier-quality appurtenances and services can command on international markets and quantitative increases in the volume of goods and services that command depression prices on world markets.
Gross domestic product per head and its growth can be split into productivity and employment rate elements, every bit the post-obit identities indicate:
This partitioning of Gross domestic product per caput into elements that reflect the productive performance of regional economies and some of the features of their labor markets is widely used as an initial step in the identification of the determinants of regional inequalities.
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Vulnerability of Water Resource to Climate
C. Gordon , ... A.M. Mensah , in Climate Vulnerability, 2022 Living Standards
The gross domestic production (Gross domestic product) is the sum of value added by all resident producers plus any product taxes (less subsidies) not included in the valuation of output. Growth is calculated from constant toll GDP data in local currency ( Asante 2006). The Volta River Basin countries, except Ghana and Togo, are considered to accept low human development and possess underdeveloped economies (Tabular array 10). They are described equally being amidst the poorest nations in the world, with an boilerplate per capita GDP of about US$ 1500 year−i. Mali, Burkina Faso, Benin, and Republic of ghana have more than seventy% of their population living below the U.s.a.$ii a twenty-four hours poverty line. Iv main causes of poverty have been identified in the Ghana part of the Volta Bowl (Asante 2007; Nick Van De Giesen et al. 2001):
Tabular array 10. Macroeconomic indicators in the Volta River Basin countries
Land | Gross domestic product per capita 2006 (Usa$) | 2007/2008 human evolution index | Population living beneath The states$ane solar day−one (%) |
Republic of benin | 536 | 163 | 31 |
Burkina Faso | 416 | 176 | 27 |
Côte d'Ivoire | 952 | 166 | 15 |
Republic of ghana | 532 | 135 | 45 |
Mali | 498 | 173 | 36 |
Togo | 356 | 152 | Not available |
Average | 550 | – | 31 |
GDP, gross domestic product.
Source: Gao, Y., and A. Margolies, 2009: Transboundary water governance in the Volta River Basin.
- •
Type of available economic activities (line-fishing, agriculture)
- •
Degree of water insecurity (poor access, health impacts, loss of labor)
- •
Environmental impact of upstream catchment activities (dams, farming practices)
- •
Water-related diseases (malaria, guinea worm, etc.)
five.19.7.iii.ane Access to Beverage Water
Access to prophylactic drinking water varies from 50 to 84%. In full general, access to rubber drinking water is lower in rural areas than in urban areas. The majority of the population lives in rural areas, with agronomics being the most important occupation. The number of rural households having admission to safe h2o from boreholes, pumps, or piped water taps is only 53%, compared to 83.iii% in the urban area. Amidst the most extreme rural poor only 51% have access to safe water, while amidst the least poor, 73% have safe water.
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Assessment of mechanisms and instruments of climate finance
Vaishali Kapoor , Medha Malviya , in Environmental Sustainability and Economy, 2022
2.2 Economic science of climate modify
Estimation for GDP loss due to climate modify ranges between 1% (Stern, 2008) and two% (Tol, 2002). If required steps are not taken, information technology might trigger precipitous and irreversible changes that will go along for centuries even if the global mean temperature is stabilized (Stern, 2008; IPCC, 2022). Regarding agricultural output loss, this autumn is even more peculiar to developing nations as they are already in hotter zones (Mendelsohn, 2008). Then in that location are threats of natural disasters similar cyclones and storm surges (Stern, 2008; IPCC, 2022), which had cost in the range of 0.1%–0.ix% of Gross domestic product per annum during 1990–2018. Information technology also fell heavily on the low- income developing countries, and the number of deaths due to disasters has likewise been college each year in developing nations (International monetary fund, 2022; Abeygunawardena et al., 2009; Eboli et al., 2022). Such disasters hamper economic growth and exacerbate poverty (Abeygunawardena et al., 2009; Farid et al., 2022). If costs of uncertainty are also taken into consideration, then the estimates of even "worst case" scenarios will fall short (Burke, 2022).
The second attribute is related to the office of developed countries. The industrial revolution brought about an excessive ascension in COii levels, and countries that had benefited are developed nations today, and affected countries are developing countries because of worsened climatic condition spillovers (Stern, 2008, Abeygunawardena et al., 2009). With the proximity to the equator; bounding main levels ascension threats to small island countries and take limited readiness to leverage adaptation, therefore on social justice grounds and following their mutual but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, adult countries are now expected to assist developing countries financially in mitigation and adaptation activities (Farid et al., 2022).
Eboli et al. (2010) estimates that adult nations like Russian federation, Europe, and Japan will tend to moderately gaining in terms of real potential Gdp in the range of i.2%–ii.4% past the stop of the century, while on the other hand, countries of Eastern asia will exist downwards by every bit much equally and x.3% for the Middle Due east and Northward Africa. This difference is attributed to labour productivity—impacted by human health and hot and boiling conditions—which is the more significant crusade of the projected global impairment hinging greatly on East Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa. The benefits for developed nations are mainly due to a design of tourist flows skewed toward developed nations at higher latitudes (Farid et al., 2022; Eboli et al., 2022).
Climatic change poses potential risks to macro-financial stability (Farid et al., 2022). The insurance sector would have to consider the risks and uncertainties of climate alter while modelling premiums and computing risks. Microinsurance faces boosted challenges arising from catering to poorer households (Abeygunawardena et al., 2009). The investment decisions will be altered, every bit price-benefit equations would change and besides, the carbon footprint of a company may alter company's assets' valuations (Farid et al., 2022).
Excessive carbon dioxide has been added to the atmosphere over the years since individual product costs and services practise not include the social costs of climatic changes. It is known as "externality," and to internalizing carbon should be priced like other goods and added to the cost of goods and services like any other input's price, known as "Carbon pricing" (Stern, 2008), which acts as a disincentive to producing carbon and incentive to shift to low carbon technologies and infrastructure (Steckel et al., 2022).
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History, Science and Methods
R. Dewanti-Hariyadi , D Gitapratiwi , in Encyclopedia of Nutrient Safety, 2022
Brunei, the gross domestic production (Gross domestic product) per capita of which is the fifth highest in the world, has one of the best health services in Asia. The WHO report in 1999 suggested that cholera was no longer reported at that place since 1982. Previously the pathogen caused the largest outbreak in 1965 and another one with 24 cases in 1970. In 1999, however, an outbreak involving 72 confirmed and 29 suspect cases happened in schools. Another foodborne outbreak due to consumption of rice–chicken was reported in a seminar but no pathogen was identified.
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What Has Worked for Irrigation Miracle in Madhya Pradesh: Infrastructure or Reforms?
M. Dinesh Kumar , in Water Policy Science and Politics, 2022
Though India's agricultural Gdp has been growing, significant fluctuations in annual growth rates are witnessed, mostly attributed to monsoon fluctuations affecting both kharif and winter product. Irrigation had played a key function in agricultural growth in the country by stabilizing kharif production and intensifying cropping. But too footling try is made to empathize how the success and failure of monsoon influence the performance of irrigation schemes.
In the contempo by, attempts were made by researchers to attribute the skilful performance of agriculture sector in some Indian states to the investments in decentralized h2o management systems and innovative direction of large irrigation systems while arguing on the basis of analysis of data on irrigated area that increased investment in public irrigation is wasteful. In this chapter, we first show that such a simplistic analysis leads to wrong diagnosis of India's public irrigation sector. We then take a disquisitional look at the miracle growth shown by Madhya Pradesh's public irrigation sector during the contempo years and the factors that are driving this growth.
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